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  • Semillero de Investigación en Robótica UAO

"Duckie Town"

Using the "Duckie Town" platform, an activity called "The Olympic Games of autonomous driving" has been planned with the purpose of learning, investigating and capturing the attention of the public about the activities carried out in the research group in robotics as well as the opportunities it offers. Taking into account the above, it is proposed to create teams that develop a series of challenges under the idea of ​​the "Duckie Town" in which each of the teams through their ingenuity and creativity proceed to the autonomous vehicles move from a point of start A to a final point B in the most natural way possible, in addition to this, it is sought that these vehicles detect, analyze and execute the road rules such as respect for the pedestrian that is mobilized by the zebra, make the pairs or also that follow the turn of the traffic lights and failing that also give way if there is a case where there is another vehicle with the right to the road.

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