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  • Semillero de Investigación en Robótica UAO

Active participation in conferences or research events

Worldwide there is a conference of robotics leaders, to this conference all those who do research in robotics to show their work and make discussions, some Colombian members decided to form a Colombian version of this very important conference in robotics worldwide. They formed a Colombian version of that conference, this conference will be held from November 1 to 4 and the research group in robotics sent 4 articles and one of the goals was that they were accepted and that the members of the group will present their work there.

Additionally, one of the goals to be achieved is to participate in the meeting of research groups held in the 'Pasto' city, which was initially carried out in a departmental manner. At that time, 6 groups from the group attended with the objective of classifying the competition by its merits. international.

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