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  • Semillero de Investigación en Robótica UAO

Development of robots for the competition

Why does this project arise and what is its objective?

The project of development of robots for the competition is a proposal made by the students which has no relationship with any other project or problem raised in the research group in robotics, however the emergence of this initiative was the idea of entering In a field of robotics not so considered in the research area of the university, this field is the competence and development of robots focused on supporting hostile environments.

As extra information it is known that some of these robots are implemented in certain areas of the industry and are used in order to give autonomous support to production lines at an industrial level.

Project description

It will work on the Arduino platform since it offers greater ease of information about the management and functions that it offers besides having an active community that provides updated information on new methods and development support. Important features are that the robot will have a weight of less than 100 grams, these robots reach up to 12 km / h and that their dimensions were made almost half of the standard.

Currently we are working with a platform that works 3 times faster than the arduino to obtain an efficiency, in addition as the robot is much smaller than the opponents will have the possibility to perform the maneuvers.

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