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  • Semillero de Investigación en Robótica UAO

Autonomous Engineer in Europe

Nicolas Franco

Nicolás Franco, Autonomous graduate of the Mechatronic Engineering academic program, is currently working on a Master's degree in Computer Science with emphasis in Graphics, Vision and Robotics, in France.

As one of the first students linked to the Robotics Research Group, Nicolás, in the company of teacher Víctor Romero Cano, from the Faculty of Engineering, worked on the development of his degree project entitled 'Analysis of alternatives to increase flight autonomy in a quadrocopter. '

Thanks to his work in the Robotics research group, Nicolás had the opportunity to carry out his professional practice in the 'Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique', INRIA, in France, where he developed technologies for autonomous cars.

For his part, Nicolás says that "In my plans is to do the internship of the master's in the company 'Engie Lab Crigen' of Paris, where I will develop a project focused on neural networks applied in 'computer vision'. It consists of a system that is connected to cameras around the city to find stolen cars quickly.

On the other hand, some of the projects that work in the research group in robotics, are 'Autonomous landing system', 'System that allows an autonomous car to stay in the lane', 'Robot manipulator', 'Development of a coffee crop monitoring system based on dense sensory information, among others.

 The projects mentioned above, "are a very important plus for students, because through them they can go beyond the topics learned in the classroom, perform knowledge transfer, work as a team and get job opportunities abroad. ", Affirmed the professor Víctor Adolph Romero Cano, of the department of Automatics and Electronics of the faculty of Engineering.

"A research group offers students the opportunity to put in context the knowledge acquired during their career in applications of interest to them. In addition, the work is done as a team of students and teachers passionate about innovating and solving problems in their environment. In the Robotics Group we tackle problems related to agriculture and urban mobility, we build and use robots to transform the world while we have fun, "said Romero Cano.

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