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  • Semillero de Investigación en Robótica UAO

Robotic manipulator arm 'Centauri'

This project consists of the creation, manipulation and control of a robotic arm, one of the particularities of this arm is that both the physical structure and parts or components of it are manufactured by a 3D printer, in addition to this the arm is manipulated by a operating system called "Ros", opensource or open source programming packages and libraries which provide optimal and sufficient tools for the development of the project, it should be noted that its usefulness is also due to the fact that they can be used for free which is beneficial for the robotics research group.

The objective of this system will be to allow the arm to perform actions similar to humans to optimize in some way the production and tasks that are carried out daily.

Robotic manipulator arm

Robotic arm configuration using software

Operation of the project

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